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999 RE:SET is a charity established in 2023 with the aim of supporting the mental health of all blue light responders and their families by facilitating involvement in a range of outdoor pursuits and activities. 

At present we are Andy, James and Dougie, serving Firefighters and lifelong outdoor enthusiasts living and working in the east of Scotland. 
As operational Firefighters we have witnessed the toll that the job can take on emergency responders and their families. Equally, we have grown to understand the immense mental health benefits that come from getting together and supporting each other in the great outdoors.  However, we are aware that that not everybody has the knowledge, network, financial freedom or confidence to get out there without support.


With this in mind we have been organising activity days both locally and in the Scottish highlands which grew in scale and scope to culminate in the formation of 999 RE:SET and our Emergency Services Weekend. Held near Aviemore in September 2023, over three days working with a range of partners we provided over 70 blue light responders and their families instruction in activities including hill walking, climbing, paddle boarding and open water swimming. Each evening we came together to chat, relax, enjoy guest speakers, live music and BBQ.   


Following incredible feedback and a clear appetite for  more we have been emboldened to build upon that success.  The next Emergency Services weekend is being planned for September 2024. In the mean time we're doing everything we can to make the event bigger and better in every way.  As the charity grows we are aiming to carry out more events throughout the year in different areas of the U.K to help as many of our emergency services personnel as possible, if you think you could help us or would believe you or anyone you know would benefit from getting out with us please get in touch - we'd love to hear from you!


Kindest regards,


The 999 RE:SET team.






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